Poznámky sú jednoduchý nástroj, ako sa rýchlo a bez problémov orientovať v množstve inzerátov, ktoré ste si prezreli a zaujali vás. Umožní vám orientovať sa v inzerátoch a ľahko ich porovnávať medzi sebou.

K dispozícií máte 10 predvolených poznámok, ktoré si viete ľubovoľne upravovať ako vám vyhovuje. Navyše si viete k inzerátu pridať svoju vlastnú poznámku, postreh, či krátky popis.

Služba je prístupná len pre registrovaných používateľov. Registráciou získate navyše možnosť ľahko si spravovať poznámky a označené inzeráty. Pod každou poznámkou sa vám zobrazí zoznam vami označených inzerátov.

Important informations


  • Server TopReality.sk is an internet real estate portal, which is one of the most visited servers in the zone of real estates.
  • To be able to use the services of the server, it is necessary to sign up
  • Private person means a private person (not the company), who advertises only its own real estate through our portal
  • The private advertising is charged.
  • The real estate agencies, intermediaries, companies belong to the charged advertisisng

The reasons why to advertise here???
The traffic of the real estate portals in SR-
Price list of adverts for AT non-payers for 2012
Price list of adverts for AT payers for 2012


At first, choose a variant by the amount of adverts and the period of payment. System will automaticaly generate ProformaInvoice by the chosen variant. By the chosen period of advertising (monthly/quarterly/semi-annually/annually) the credit automaticaly deducts in the given period (So not for every advert!!!) In case of insufficient credit for chosen variant you will be informed in advance and a ProformaInvoice will be sent to you automaticaly to recharge the credit on the required amount in term of repayment of your advert. In all variants of the adverts, except the D variant there are defined limits of the number of active adverts. In case you are interested to proceed to a bigger variant, it is important to contact us telephonicaly or by e-mail. all real estate agencies are secured to export on the following portals.

Advertising on TopReality.sk

The server works since june 2007. In our menu you can find more than 140 000 adverts and more than 2100 registered real estate agencies. The traffic on our page currently transcends 35 000 visits per day, in one day it´s more than 330 000 displayed pages. You can see our statistics on pages Toplist.SK, Toplist.CZ

In case of your interest about space for your advert on our pages, contact us telephonically or by e-mail on reklama@topreality.sk.

If you have any other questions, or uncertainties, click here for the contact information.